Restaurants in Nerja
Nerja offers a wide array of restaurants of all kinds. Many times, you will find the word "marisquerías", which stands for fish and seafood restaurants. Then, there are many different kitchens such as Indian, German and Morrocan. At the beaches you will find the so called "chiringuitos" which stand for beach restaurants, most of them will serve fantastic paellas and "pescaíto frito" - small fried fish.
BAR DOLORES (El Chispa) C/. San Pedro, 12 Tlf: 952523697 |
EL PUENTE Home cooked spanish food C/. Carretera, 4 Tlf: 952520174 Fax: 952520174 |
EL PULGUILLA Summer Terrace C/. Almirante Ferrándiz, 26 Tlf: 952521384 |
LA PUNTILLA Summer Terrace C/. Bolivia, 1 Tlf: 952528951 |
LA MARINA Fresh Fish Plaza La Marina Tlf: 952521299 |
LOS MARISCOS Almirante Ferrándiz, 17 Tlf: 952522714 |
MARISQUERÍA LA TRAIÑA Playa de Burriana Tlf: 9528171 |
TABERNA LA TAHONA Plaza García Caparros s/n Tlf: 952966066 |
MESON DE PEPE MOLES c/ Antonio Millón, 16 Tlf: 650943705 Email: pepemoles@hotmail.com |
Your link here? Please contact us HERE. |
AGAPE (HOTEL PLAZA CAVANA) C/. Granada, 5 Tlf: 952524000 Email: agape@hotelplazacavana.com |
AL-ANDALUS C/. Siroco (a 200 m. de la Cueva) Tlf: 952529648 952529640 Fax: 952529557 Email: lorenzor@tiservinet.es Web: www.hotelalandalusnerja.com |
EL COLONO Closed from 15th December to 14th february C/. Granada, 6 Tlf: 952521826 678656423 |
LA CAPILLA DEL MAR International Cuisine C/. La Cruz, 16 Tlf: 952521993 650813281 Web: www.lacapilladelmar.com |
LA MAREA Specialized in all kind of fish & sea food Plaza Cantarero Tlf: 952525778 |
PACOMARI C/. Gloria, 4 Tlf: 952520138 |
MESÓN PATANEGRA Plaza La Marina, Edf. Tomé I Tlf: 952520222 |
PEPE RICO C/. Almirante Ferrándiz, 28 Tlf: 952520247 |
PIZZERIA LA STRADA Wood Burning Oven C/. Chaparil, 5 Edf. Los Tesoros Tlf: 952523088 |
MARISQUERáA PUERTA DEL MAR C/. Puerta del Mar, 2 Tlf: 952526087 |
RESTAURANTE REY ALFONSO Paseo Balcón de Europa Tlf: 952520958 |
REST. CUEVA DE NERJA Tlf: 952529600 |
REST. COLONIA Tapas Playa Burriana Tlf: 952527451 |
REST. EL NAUTICO Hotel Balcón de Europa, Playa la Caletilla Tlf: 952520800 |
MESON EL VIEJO SOTANO C/ Huertos, 33 Tlf: 952524138 Web: www.pepemesa.com |
MERENDERO LA BARCA Playa de Burriana Tlf: 952526927 |
MESON PATANEGRA Pza. la Marina, Edf. Tomé I Tlf: 952520222 |
Rest. REY ALFONSO Paseo Balcón de Europa Tlf: 952520958 |
LA VENTA DE FRIGILIANA Ctra. Frigiliana-Torrox Km. 3.2 Tlf: 952030286 Email: laventadefrigiliana@hotmail.com |
EL COLONO Wednesday at 21 pm. C/. Granada, 6 Tlf: 952521826 |
RESTAURANTE REY ALFONSO Live music Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays Balcón de Europa |
VENTA DE FRIGILIANA Monday, Wednesday & Friday Flamenco Show Ctra. Frigiliana-Torrox Km. 3.2 Tlf: 952030286 Email: laventadefrigiliana@hotmail.com |